Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Salary

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Salary

Pediatric Nurse Practitioners play a crucial role in providing healthcare services to children. They are highly trained professionals who specialize in pediatric care and work closely with pediatricians to diagnose and treat medical conditions in children. But what about their salary? How much do Pediatric Nurse Practitioners earn?

The salary of a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner can vary depending on various factors such as location, experience, and specialization. Let’s take a closer look at the salary range for Pediatric Nurse Practitioners in Austin, Texas, United States.

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Salary in Austin, Texas

According to data from Indeed, the average salary for a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Austin, Texas is $115,900 per year. However, this figure is not fixed and can vary based on individual circumstances and factors.

Highest Paying Cities for Pediatric Nurse Practitioners

If you’re interested in knowing where Pediatric Nurse Practitioners make the most money, some of the highest paying cities in the United States include Houston, California, and Florida. It’s worth noting that the salaries may differ based on the cost of living in each city.

Specializations with High Salaries for Nurse Practitioners

While Pediatric Nurse Practitioners earn a good salary, it’s important to explore other specializations within the Nurse Practitioner field. Some of the highest paying specializations include Oncology Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner, and Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner.

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Salary


Factors Affecting Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Salary

There are several factors that can influence the salary of a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. These factors include the level of education and experience, geographical location, demand for Pediatric Nurse Practitioners in the area, and the type of healthcare facility or organization that employs them.

Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Salary


Resources for Salary Information

If you are specifically interested in finding more information about the salary of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners in Texas, you can visit websites like, Glassdoor, Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and They provide detailed salary information based on industry research and user submissions.

Frequently Asked Questions On Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Salary

Where Do Pediatric Nps Make The Most Money?

Pediatric Nurse Practitioners can make the most money in cities like Austin, Texas and San Antonio. The highest paying Nurse Practitioner fields include Pediatrics, Oncology, and Acute Care. The specific salary for a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner will vary based on factors such as location and experience.

What Is The Highest Paying Nurse Practitioner Field?

The highest paying Nurse Practitioner field is Oncology Nurse Practitioner, followed by Family Nurse Practitioner, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner, and Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner. Pediatric endocrinology nurses also have high earning potential.

What Are The Highest Paid Pediatric Nurses?

The highest paid pediatric nurses are those specializing in pediatric endocrinology. They have the potential to earn a higher salary compared to other pediatric nurses.


In conclusion, Pediatric Nurse Practitioners earn a competitive salary, and the amount can vary based on various factors. If you are considering a career in this field, it is essential to carefully research salary data and understand the influence of factors such as location, specialization, and experience.

Remember, the salary is just one aspect of a rewarding career in pediatric nursing. The opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of children and their families can be incredibly fulfilling for those passionate about pediatric healthcare.

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